My Guestbook

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Tennis ball laucher anyone?

Hiya all!

Was browsing through some vids on-line and came across this.

Mom...can we get one of tennis ball laucher too?


Juno said...

Hello Chilli!! Sorry for not being able to visit you for so long!!
We wanted to watch video but ....we can't. :( We'll be back a little later!

Momo & pinot

Duke said...

We'd sure love to have one of those for dad's workshop! We'd never have to bother the hoomans again!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, Chilli!
I wish I had one of those things and be as smart as that doggie to entertain myself!
Kisses and hugs

Snowball said...

Oh dear... dun that dog ever get tired? I would have just sit and stare at the machine and make sure that the ball dun hit me.


Sharon said...

Oh, that looks like a good time. You could play even when the people aren't around!
Sharon and Snickers

World of Animals, Inc said...

This was so cool to see. That doggie must be tired after a while. They are just too funny in the video. Thanks for the share. Have a fantastic upcoming weekend.
World of Animals